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Teaching Tools of the Heart

February is National Heart Month, a great time to remind everyone about the importance of heart health.

In the UK, heart and circulatory diseases are leading causes of death for women and men, accounting for more than a quarter of deaths each year. The good news is that leading a heart-healthy lifestyle, such as being smoke-free, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in regular physical activity, can make a big difference in reducing your risk for heart disease.

If you are a health educator looking for materials and models to teach about the importance of heart health, you’ve come to the right place!

Here at Health Edco, we have not only a full line of engaging heart health education materials, models, and displays but also a wide variety of effective health education resources that inspire healthy lifestyles and explain health conditions that increase the risk of heart disease.

High blood pressure, unhealthy blood cholesterol levels, diabetes, and obesity are common health conditions that increase the risk of heart disease. Learn more about a few of our creative health education materials that are ideal teaching tools to help explain heart disease and the health conditions that increase heart disease risk.

High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure measures the force pushing on artery walls as the heart pumps blood throughout the body. A major risk factor for heart disease, high blood pressure can damage artery walls, leading to plaque formation on the walls of arteries. As a result, arteries can narrow and harden. If a coronary artery becomes blocked by plaque or a blood clot, blood supply to the heart is cut off, resulting in a heart attack and possible damage or death to part of the heart muscle.

As part of our line of heart health education resources, our What You Should Know About High Blood Pressure Folding Display provides blood pressure guidelines and uses clear, simple language to explain the basics of hypertension.

Our What You Should Know About High Blood Pressure Folding
explains the importance of blood pressure management.

The four-panel display covers what blood pressure is; explains normal, elevated, and high blood pressure; and discusses the two stages of high blood pressure. It also discusses risk factors that are not controllable (such as age and family history) as well as risk factors that can be controlled, such as body weight, smoking, substance abuse, and lack of physical activity. In addition to covering some of the serious health consequences of uncontrolled high blood pressure (including heart disease, heart attack, vision loss, and more), the display also emphasises working with your healthcare professional for blood pressure management. It’s a great resource for GPs’ offices, health fairs, and heart-health awareness events.

Unhealthy Blood Cholesterol Levels

Found in every part of the body, cholesterol is a waxy substance that is essential for good health, but only in the right amounts. The liver actually produces all the cholesterol your body needs, but many of us get more cholesterol than we need from the foods we eat. Excess amounts of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol (also called “bad” cholesterol) can build up on artery walls along with other substances to create plaque, which can lead to a heart attack.

Great to explain the differences between “good” and “bad” cholesterol, the lipoprotein profile blood test, and the importance of working to maintain healthy blood cholesterol levels, our The Basics of Cholesterol Folding Display is perfect for patient and student education. With colourful and startling images of a plaque-clogged artery, a stroke-affected brain, and a heart damaged by a heart attack, the three-panel display explains what cholesterol is and its role in heart disease in a clear, easy-to-understand format.

The Basics of Cholesterol Folding Display
is great for patient and student education.

Using The Basics of Cholesterol Folding Display alongside our best-selling Death of an Artery Easel Display makes it easy to understand how cholesterol and other substances can form plaque, build up on artery walls, and block blood flow in a coronary artery, leading to a heart attack.

Use our Death of an Artery Easel Display to show
the consequences of plaque buildup in the arteries.

This popular easel display features five 3-D models that depict a clear artery with unimpeded blood flow through the gradual progression of plaque buildup until the blood flow through the artery is completely obstructed. The display is an ideal visual reminder of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle for heart health.


Having diabetes increases the risk for developing heart disease and for having a heart attack. In fact, adults who have diabetes are almost twice as likely to die from heart disease or stroke as adults who do not have diabetes. Diabetes causes glucose to build up in the blood. Over time, high blood glucose levels can damage nerves and blood vessels that affect heart function.

Our Diabetes Consequences 3-D Display reveals
devastating consequences of uncontrolled diabetes.

Our Diabetes Consequences 3-D Display is a powerful teaching tool that shows how diabetes can damage arteries, the heart, and other organs throughout the body. Coming in a self-contained carrying case that facilitates setup and transport, the display features eight high-quality, painted organ models and clear text that describe consequences of diabetes from artery damage and heart disease to kidney and eye disease, foot complications, and more. The display is a great way to drive home the importance of managing diabetes.


Obesity means having an excess amount of body fat. Being overweight or obese is linked to health conditions that increase the risk for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and high blood glucose. Excess body fat also can force the heart to work harder to pump blood throughout the body.

Sometimes, the best way to get a health message across is with a bit of quirkiness. With a touch of whimsy, our Heavy Heart Display grabs attention and drives home a serious message: Excess body fat can break your heart and is a major risk factor for heart disease.

Teach the connection between excess body fat and
heart disease with our Heavy Heart Display.

The display features a life-size model of a heart with an infarction steeped in an oozing, fatty solution. Labels on the top and side of the display jar explain that excess body fat increases the risk for heart disease and that eating a healthy diet and being physically active can help prevent it. Whilst putting a fun spin on a serious topic, the display is a unique way to start conversations about heart health and its relationship to diet and physical activity level.

Learn More

February may be National Heart Month, but it’s always the right time to be mindful about heart health and to promote heart-healthy habits. To learn more about our heart health education materials, visit our Heart Health Section. To discover more products about diabetes and obesity, conditions that can increase the risk for heart disease, please visit our Diabetes and Overweight and ObesitySections.

©2020 Health Edco®