Understanding Birth Control Flip Chart

ITEM: 43325


A great resource for healthcare professionals and educators to use with students and patients, this flip chart discusses male and female reproductive anatomy, menstruation, conception, and a full range of methods of contraception. Features presentation notes on reverse panels.


With its bold, simple illustrations and concise text, this flip chart helps viewers make confident, informed choices about birth control. Discusses male and female reproductive anatomy, menstruation, conception, and a full range of methods of contraception, including:

  • Hormonal methods, such as the combination pill, minipill, patch, ring, injection, and implant
  • Intrauterine Devices, including hormonal and copper IUDs
  • Barrier methods, such as male and female condoms, cervical cap, diaphragm, sponge, spermicide, and contraceptive gel
  • Natural family planning
  • Emergency contraception
  • Surgical sterilisation
  • Abstinence

Also discusses unreliable methods of birth control and protection against STIs. Features presentation notes on reverse panels. 21 panels. 36 cm x 30 cm.