HIV/AIDS: Death of an Immune System Easel Display

ITEM: 79180


Explaining how uncontrolled HIV infection weakens the immune system is easy with this easel display (30 cm x 23 cm). Featuring 3-D models, the display covers how a healthy immune system works and how HIV compromises the immune system by multiplying inside T cells and killing them. Also emphasises that, whilst there is no cure for HIV infection, HIV infection can be controlled with proper treatment. Great for use with patients and students.


Featuring painted, 3-D models, this easel display uses easy-to-understand graphics and simple language to explain how a healthy immune system works and how HIV weakens the immune system by attacking and destroying T cells. Also highlights the fact that, although there is no cure for HIV, HIV infection can be controlled with proper treatment so that it does not advance to AIDS, the final stage of HIV infection. Comes with protective fleece cover and wire easel stand. 30 cm x 23 cm.