Male Pelvis with Testicles Model

ITEM: 52449


At one-half scale (19 cm x 11 cm x 3 cm), this instructional model is a midsagittal section of the male pelvis and features the anatomy of the pelvis and testis. Includes two cancerous testicles showing the most common types of tumours. Comes with base and key card that explains the male pelvis on one side and three stages of testicular tumours on the reverse side. Great for anatomical instruction and to discuss the importance of testicular self-examination (TSE) for the early detection of testicular cancer.


The complex structures of the male pelvic area are easy to identify and understand with this model. At one-half scale, the model shows a midsagittal view of the male pelvis and features testicles showing the two most common types of testicular tumours, seminoma and teratocarcinoma. Key card explains the anatomy of the pelvis on one side three stages of testicular tumours on the reverse side. Great for patient education to discuss testicular self-exam (TSE) and testicular cancer. 19 cm x 11 cm x 3 cm.