How Fathers Can Support the Postpartum Mom Tear Pad

ITEM: 52082
1 – 4£23.00
5 – 9£22.00
10 – 49£21.00
50 +£19.00


Written especially for new dads, this English/Spanish tear pad provides tips and strategies a father can use to support the new mum as she goes through the postpartum period of recovery and adjustment. Emphasises making Mum a special priority and tackling tasks and baby care to ensure Mum has time to rest and take care of herself. A wonderful resource for new fathers. English on one side and Spanish on the other. 100 sheets per pad.


During the postpartum period, a supportive partner can do many things to help a new mum recover from childbirth as they both adapt to their role as parents. From understanding the physical and emotional changes that Mum is experiencing to jumping into baby care, making Mum a special priority, and more, this tear pad highlights some of the many ways a father can support the postpartum mum. Also urges new fathers to take time to take care of themselves. A great leaflet for expectant and new fathers. English on one side and Spanish on the other. 100 sheets per pad.